Kathleen Ralls


A native of Massachusetts, Kathleen Ralls is an author, speaker, coach, and an award-winning educator. She was a high school history teacher and athletics coach for 15 years in various states, leading several field hockey, softball, and track and field teams to league and district championships. During the 2013-14 school year, Kathleen served as a Fulbright Roving Scholar of American Studies where she traveled to 50 ungdomsskoles in Norway to share her knowledge of U.S. culture. As a doctoral student, she conducted research on four continents focusing on the constructs of sport, gender, and voice empowerment. Kathleen has written articles for numerous newspapers and academic journals. Her first book entitled “Take Her Word for It: Sports Cultivate World-Class Leaders” will be published in May 2022. Serving as the Founder and Executive Director of Kathleen Ralls LLC, she works to empower other professional females to lead with their unique voices. Kathleen is a proud graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst (BA, 2000) where she was a sports editor for The Daily Collegian. She also has degrees from American University (MAT, 2004), and the University of Massachusetts Lowell (PhD, 2020).

The Definition of Me is “thoughtful, dedicated, and independent”.