Sara Johnson

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Sara Johnson is...

Director of espnW Video Production at ESPN where she oversees all video from highlights and event footage to features and profiles as well as develops original content and social media video campaigns for She is also the Executive Producer of espnW's Free Cookies podcast which focuses on sports, wellness and pop culture. Prior to this position, Sara was a Studio Director at ESPN where she directed live and taped studio shows as well as remote shows for a decade.

Outside of her day job, Sara serves as Content Chair for ESPN EQUAL, ESPN’s employee resource group (ERG) focused on the LGBTQ community which has become an essential part of the business. Through building a strong foundation with supportive leadership and developing relationships with executives and content leaders, Sara has worked to build a culture of inclusion within ESPN’s walls as well as outside by ensuring that all sports stories in the LGBTQ space are told in a respectful, accurate and appropriate manner. As Content Chair, Sara is responsible for previewing LGBTQ content for ESPN’s TV, Digital, Audio and Print platforms. This has helped ESPN to avoid potential pitfalls and has helped to produce award-winning content – content that builds LGBTQ fan loyalty and drives the bottom line.