Kavya Krishna


Kavya is the CEO and Co-founder of Society of Women Coders.SOWCoders is a non-profit organization that believes in equitable access to Digital literacy to girls in all communities and through their platform has trained over 5K girls directly in Coding and Digital Literacy in 57 countries around the world and impacted over 25K lives indirectly. Through SOWCoders, Kavya has worked with government agencies and civic organizations in Haiti, Kenya, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan,Kenya, Zambia and Belize to establish coding camps, and has personally taught at several of them. She majored in Computer Science from Umass Amherst and worked in Data science and Finance roles at SiriusXM for five years in NYC before making the switch to run SOWCoders full time in 2021. Kavya enjoys mentoring and has also taught Python at Code in Place at Stanford. She is an advocate of Equitable Access and Women's Education and has represented the cause and mission of SOWCoders at various prestigious public platforms. Outside of work, she loves to dance and train in aerial yoga.