Panel and Workshop Descriptions 


Networking Mastery: Building Meaningful Connections

Join us for an interactive workshop designed to empower students with the essential skills of creating and maintaining a robust professional network. Discover the significance of building your own 'Personal Board of Directors' and learn practical strategies to foster meaningful connections. Equip yourself with the tools to navigate the dynamic world of networking and enhance your career prospects. Don't miss this opportunity to cultivate a network that not only opens doors but also propels your personal and professional growth.


Evolving from Campus through Career: Discovering Spark and Developing a Unique Personal Brand Strategy

How can you align who you are, what you love, and strategically utilize this on campus and in your future career?

This interactive workshop focuses on creating and developing your unique personal brand strategy. In this workshop participants will:

· Participate in self-discovery to identify your strengths, passions, and unique skills

· Develop strategies to enhance your personal brand from campus through your career

· Learn how to pitch and communicate your personal brand strategy

· Focus on the importance of aligning your personal values with career goals

· Build your own personal “board of directors” as accountability partners, motivators, and allies


Managing Complexity

In the business world today, you need to be prepared to expect the unexpected. This workshop will give you the opportunity to explore the management of complexity through a hands-on activity. Discover how you problem solve in a team environment.


Session B Panels

Global Perspectives: A Journey of Expanding Diverse Worldview and Cultural Inclusion 

This panel will explore the richness of varied cultural backgrounds, emphasize the importance of respecting diverse norms, and showcase how diverse perspectives can profoundly enrich our global worldview and appreciation for others. 

From interacting with people of different values and backgrounds to working and learning in foreign lands to moving to a new country, our diverse group of speakers will share their learnings from their unique journeys. They will reveal shared experiences and lessons while promoting a world of greater understanding and unity.


Intelligent Interning: Getting Your Foot in the Door and Keeping it There

This practical and insightful panel will unveil the key strategies for making your internship a launchpad for a successful career. In this engaging session, panelists will share proven techniques to help you not just stand out as an intern but also thrive in your role. You'll gain a deep understanding of the importance of networking and how to leverage it effectively in the workplace. 

Whether you're just starting your career journey or looking to maximize your internship experience, this panel will provide you with valuable tips to make the most out of your time in your role. Join us to unlock the secrets of intelligent interning and set yourself on the path to long-term professional success.


Developing Resilience: Overcoming Challenges and Bouncing Back

In a world where success is often celebrated, this panel delves into a universal truth: personal challenges and failures are a crucial part of the journey to success. Join us as we explore the transformative power of embracing obstacles, whether it's a challenging project at work or personal setbacks. Panelists will share their experiences and insights, highlighting the importance of internalizing lessons from failure and using them as stepping stones towards personal growth and resilience.

Learn how to navigate these hurdles with grace, recognizing that failing is not just okay, but an inevitable part of the path to becoming the best version of yourself. Discover actionable strategies to overcome challenges and bounce back stronger, ensuring that you're well-equipped to face whatever life throws your way.


Mastering the Market: Continuously Learning Trends across Industries

In a fast-paced world, continuous learning is the key to personal and professional growth. This panel discusses the transformative power of ongoing education and how to cultivate a lifelong learner mindset. It highlights the diverse approaches various companies and job roles take in promoting continuous learning, emphasizing its role in maintaining a competitive edge.

Networking is explored as a potent tool for continuous learning, enabling individuals to connect with mentors and peers who can provide valuable insights. Undergraduates are shown how staying updated on industry trends can help them make informed career decisions. The panel also provides guidance on finding industry insights beyond the internet, suggesting strategies such as tapping into academic resources, attending conferences, engaging with professors, and interning in the field.


Exploring the Corporate Ladder: Strategies for Advancement

In this engaging session, professionals will provide invaluable insights on how to recognize the critical moments in your career. Panelists will delve into the art of pivoting your career path and will discuss the pros and cons of remaining loyal to one company versus exploring opportunities across different organizations or paths.

Whether you're early in your career or a seasoned professional, this panel will offer you a comprehensive roadmap for success, informed by the experiences of those who have navigated career paths themselves. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of when and how to make strategic career moves and in order to thrive in your professional journey.


Session A Panels

Corporate Confidence: Owning the Room and Eliminating Doubts

In this enlightening and empowering session, panelists will delve deep into the art of fostering unshakable confidence to unlock your true potential. Our panel of accomplished experts and thought leaders will share invaluable insights, practical strategies, and personal anecdotes to help you harness the power of confidence in your professional journey.

This panel is focused on confidence boosting tips, conquering imposter syndrome, and learning the art of self-belief and advocacy while in the workplace. It will empower you to shed doubts, stand tall, and become a force to be reckoned with in the corporate arena. Learn the secrets to unshakable confidence and embark on a path towards a self-assured professional life.


Happiness Amid High Performance: Protecting Your Well-Being

In today's fast-paced corporate environment, striking a balance between professional success and personal well-being is paramount for sustainable career growth. Our distinguished panel of experts will engage in a thoughtful dialogue on how to achieve peak performance and high productivity without compromising your mental and physical health.  

This panel will provide practical strategies to safeguard your well-being while thriving in the competitive workplace. Whether you're in pursuit of an improved work-life balance or looking to embrace the principles of mindfulness, our panelists will draw from their rich experiences on mastering the art of navigating between career excellence and mental fulfillment.


From Startup to Scale up: Empowering Women in Entrepreneurship

In this captivating panel, we invite you on a journey alongside remarkable women entrepreneurs. Panelists will share their inspiring stories that will highlight all of the trials and tribulations that shaped their paths. They will reveal what first sparked their entrepreneurial spirit and offer valuable insights into challenges faced. 

Additionally, attendees will learn the strategies panelists utilize to sustain and grow their achievements. This panel will be an essential experience for anyone looking to thrive in the world of entrepreneurship.


Tech Trailblazers: Women Shaping the Digital Transformation 

This panel will emphasize the need to view technology as a source of excitement, not fear. Technology is ever-evolving, and our goal is to show that it's not about being an expert but about being willing to learn and adapt. The tools and strategies for leveraging tech may change, but the fundamental principles remain constant.

Furthermore, panelists will inspire you not to be afraid of stepping into the tech industry, even if you're not in a technical role. Technology has a role to play in various fields, and our panel will explore the diverse ways in which you can harness its potential.


Navigating Workplace Politics

In today's dynamic professional landscape, mastering the art of navigating organizational challenges is essential for career success. This panel brings together seasoned professionals who will share invaluable insights and strategies for effectively handling difficult situations with coworkers and addressing instances where they might perceive a tense work environment.

Our panelists will draw upon their vast experience to shed light on the nuances of workplace politics and offer practical tips for employees at all career stages to combat and evaluate these situations. They will delve into the intricacies of interpersonal dynamics, communication strategies, and conflict resolution techniques that can empower individuals to thrive amidst the complexities of a workplace filled with changes, challenges and issues.